تفاصيل فرص العمل

تفاصيل فرص العمل

الرقم المرجعي:
عدد المطلوبين:
1 0 0
عدد المترشحين:
6 0
مستوى الخبرة (سنوات):


تاريخ العرض


موقع العمل:

مسقط | مسقط | محافظة مسقط

الأجر الشهري لا يقل عن:

530 OMR

مدير عام

الشركة :

1224101 | المبرمج التقني المتميز

المؤهل العلمي المطلوب:


التخصصات المطلوبة:

تقنية المعلومات والحوسبة/ الشبكات وأمن البيانات

عنوان المترشحين (المحافظة):

محافظة الداخلية

عنوان المترشحين (الولاية):

الحالة الصحية:


نوع الإعاقة:

وصف المهنة:

Configure and maintain routers, switches, and network infrastructure. Install, configure, and manage Cisco Call Manager and Voice Gateway. Maintain structured cabling systems, telecom systems, WAN, LAN, and overall network architecture. Configure, monitor, and maintain firewalls, antivirus software, and Microsoft applications to ensure system security. Monitor network performance and optimize configurations to enhance efficiency and security. Conduct network tuning, recommend improvements, and evaluate new network products for enhanced performance. Collaborate with security teams to implement secure network solutions and investigate suspicious activity. Troubleshoot and resolve network hardware and software issues efficiently. Install, configure, and manage network and data communication equipment and software. Analyze and interpret network statistics to ensure timely hardware and software upgrades that meet business growth needs. Develop engineering architecture, establish t

شروط التقدم للوظيفة:

Configure and maintain routers, switches, and network infrastructure. Install, configure, and manage Cisco Call Manager and Voice Gateway. Maintain structured cabling systems, telecom systems, WAN, LAN, and overall network architecture. Configure, monitor, and maintain firewalls, antivirus software, and Microsoft applications to ensure system security. Monitor network performance and optimize configurations to enhance efficiency and security. Conduct network tuning, recommend improvements, and evaluate new network products for enhanced performance. Collaborate with security teams to implement secure network solutions and investigate suspicious activity. Troubleshoot and resolve network hardware and software issues efficiently. Install, configure, and manage network and data communication equipment and software. Analyze and interpret network statistics to ensure timely hardware and software upgrades that meet business growth needs. Develop engineering architecture, establish t

المهام الوظيفية:

Configure and maintain routers, switches, and network infrastructure. Install, configure, and manage Cisco Call Manager and Voice Gateway. Maintain structured cabling systems, telecom systems, WAN, LAN, and overall network architecture. Configure, monitor, and maintain firewalls, antivirus software, and Microsoft applications to ensure system security. Monitor network performance and optimize configurations to enhance efficiency and security. Conduct network tuning, recommend improvements, and evaluate new network products for enhanced performance. Collaborate with security teams to implement secure network solutions and investigate suspicious activity. Troubleshoot and resolve network hardware and software issues efficiently. Install, configure, and manage network and data communication equipment and software. Analyze and interpret network statistics to ensure timely hardware and software upgrades that meet business growth needs. Develop engineering architecture, establish t

ملاحظات أخرى:

Configure and maintain routers, switches, and network infrastructure. Install, configure, and manage Cisco Call Manager and Voice Gateway. Maintain structured cabling systems, telecom systems, WAN, LAN, and overall network architecture. Configure, monitor, and maintain firewalls, antivirus software, and Microsoft applications to ensure system security. Monitor network performance and optimize configurations to enhance efficiency and security. Conduct network tuning, recommend improvements, and evaluate new network products for enhanced performance. Collaborate with security teams to implement secure network solutions and investigate suspicious activity. Troubleshoot and resolve network hardware and software issues efficiently. Install, configure, and manage network and data communication equipment and software. Analyze and interpret network statistics to ensure timely hardware and software upgrades that meet business growth needs. Develop engineering architecture, establish t

فرص عمل مشابهة